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Design of Bookstore Teahouse


Design of Bookstore Teahouse

1year ago

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"Green Cloud House" Half Pool Cloud and Fog Pavilion
——Design of Bookstore Teahouse

Place:  Zhongguancun South Street, Beijing
Type:  Bookstore, teahouse
Land area:  200 square meters
Designer:  Introduction Studio
Completion time:  January 2022
Status:  Completed

This case is a bookstore reconstruction project located at the west side of Zhongguancun Street in Beijing. Entrusted by the owner of the "Give the World" bookstore, the first floor of the bookstore was reconstructed on the basis of its original two-story building, and the function of tea room was added on the basis of the original bookstore function

The site is located inside the block, surrounded by urban buildings, and only the east side opens to the public small courtyard in front of the door. I try to find the relationship between inside and outside from here, build a block facade outward, and build an introverted garden inward

Green Cloud House is the name of the "Garden". Half a pond of clouds, a folding bridge, three cloud walls, seven pavilions, and several mountain terraces are the summary of the places built by this garden

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"Green Cloud House" Half Pool Cloud and Fog Pavilion
——Design of Bookstore Teahouse

Place:  Zhongguancun South Street, Beijing
Type:  Bookstore, teahouse
Land area:  200 square meters
Designer:  Introduction Studio
Completion time:  January 2022
Status:  Completed

This case is a bookstore reconstruction project located at the west side of Zhongguancun Street in Beijing. Entrusted by the owner of the "Give the World" bookstore, the first floor of the bookstore was reconstructed on the basis of its original two-story building, and the function of tea room was added on the basis of the original bookstore function

The site is located inside the block, surrounded by urban buildings, and only the east side opens to the public small courtyard in front of the door. I try to find the relationship between inside and outside from here, build a block facade outward, and build an introverted garden inward

Green Cloud House is the name of the "Garden". Half a pond of clouds, a folding bridge, three cloud walls, seven pavilions, and several mountain terraces are the summary of the places built by this garden



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